Asambhav 15th July 2009

15th july 2009

In the July 15 episode of Zee Marathi's serial Asambhav, Inspector Vazalvar shows Tanishka a video clip in which Sulekha confesses to her crimes. He then promises to set her free from jail and requests to help him in tracing Sulekha.

Tanishka is in two minds about helping Vazalvar as she fears Sulekha may harm Piyu.

Poonam along with Kusum atya meets Madhusudan and Vasudha. Poonam tells them about the clip while Kusum atya, still in state of shock, remains silent.

Later at the police station, Adinath and Priya realize Sulekha had used her powers to make Manjula say that she had killed Bala kaka.